Why Changing Our Minds is Difficult

2 min readMay 15, 2020

Life is unimaginably complex,

An unending torrent of sensory information constantly vying for our attention

So is it any wonder that knowledge is the promised land we all seek

The anchor that holds us in place as the cycles of our collective experiences continue unabated.

So, like a mother who would die for her newborn, we cherish whatever new bits of information we pick up.

Holding onto them dearly and incorporating them into our identity

Tending and shaping the garden of our internal worlds as they also shape us.

But there’s a problem,

In seeking truth, we are fallible creatures and thus, we can be wrong

So, we fight against this realization, we flatly deny this truth, the smarter ones arrogantly rationalize their wrong positions.

But the truth can be painful

To admit you are wrong is to spit on your very sense of self.

But as with all things, this is merely one way of looking at things,

Another way is to envision life as a complex jigsaw puzzle

And so, when the pieces don’t fit, we pick another one

All done in order to create the grand picture that is Truth.

So, at this point, I’m stumped,

Cause coming up with great endings is hard work so I’ll end my ramblings here

Or maybe I’ll change my mind:)




🌍| Writer| Student of Life| Twitter:@meduaiwel